TOP > 共立荻野病院コラム一覧 > A Dosage of Medicine(7) by Akihisa Ogino, translated by J.Kageyama
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  • 内科
  • 胃腸科
  • リウマチ・膠原病科
  • アレルギー科
  • リハビリテーション科
  • 診療時間
  • 月〜金 午前9:00〜午後12:00
  • 月〜土 午前9:00〜午後4:00
  • 月〜金 午前9:00〜午後5:00
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  • 医師紹介
  • 共立荻野病院デイケアセンターフラミンゴ
  • 住宅型有料老人ホーム プメハナ


A Dosage of Medicine(7) by Akihisa Ogino, translated by J.Kageyama

   "And, luckily, we found just the right girl. Though she’s run back home, right now. I mean, her face, her body---I knew she was the one. I can say, there's no other girl like her in the village, Yeap, that’s for sure.
   "You might know of her? The daughter of Fujishiro at Toyohashi.”
   “The clothing store owner?” I found my mood mellowing out, being taken in by his drawling speech.
   “So I got my son a great girl, you know. And, since then, even when I got my old lady in my arms, I imagine it’s that eighteen year old girl. Closing my eyes, that this hand is her hand; this, her foot. Like this." Like a puppeteer putting his dolls to sleep, he took a hibachi chopstick sideways and caressed it fondly with his other hand, closing his eyes.
   Suddenly, he opened his eyes. “Oops, Doctor. I shouldn't talk this way; huh? Doctor? If it's going to make you angry.
'Cuz, believe me, I do respect you, Doctor. That’s why I can’t tell all this to anyone but you. That’s how I figure. So if you brush me away, where else do I go? Of course you saved my son’s life, Doctor, but, tonight, I want you to listen to me."
