TOP > 共立荻野病院コラム一覧 > A Dosage of Medicine(8) by Akihisa Ogino, translated by J.Kageyama
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  • 胃腸科
  • リウマチ・膠原病科
  • アレルギー科
  • リハビリテーション科
  • 診療時間
  • 月〜金 午前9:00〜午後12:00
  • 月〜土 午前9:00〜午後4:00
  • 月〜金 午前9:00〜午後5:00
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  • 医師紹介
  • 共立荻野病院デイケアセンターフラミンゴ
  • 住宅型有料老人ホーム プメハナ


A Dosage of Medicine(8) by Akihisa Ogino, translated by J.Kageyama

   He sighed deeply. "I'm a lonely man.” He wiped from his nose what could be determined neither as snot nor tears. "It’s true. I get by. I have a nursery. A small farm. I have no complaints. But a man can’t go on, just being able to eat. As you know, my wife’s been bed-ridden for over twenty years You see? But what happens to me? It gets lonely. Since I was a kid, I’ve been working the fields. I go home, make milk for the baby and feed it, and, a night, when my wife complains of aches, I massage her the whole night. My wife says, you must be tired, so it's all right, but, at times like that, I wish, you know, only if she were healthy. Then I won’t need the fields, the money or anything else. Then my wife says, she feels sorry for me, you poor thing. Then I tell her, don’t say such a thing. At times like that, I turn off the light, so she won’t see my tears, and keep quiet. A child's nice, sure, but only while he's young. Once he gets older, he's heartless. Despite everything I say, my wife, who’s been with me for so many years, is my closest companion. And, when she falls sick, it’s sad. And, with age, I’m not as strong willed as I used to be. Tears just keep coming” He wiped away at his snot.
